Food Allergies and Intolerances

A weight-neutral approach to managing food allergies and intolerances prioritizes the individual’s ability to avoid trigger foods while promoting a positive relationship with food:

• Identifying and avoiding allergens or intolerances, while maintaining a diverse and balanced diet.

• Learning to read labels and choosing alternatives to avoid the restricted foods (e.g., dairy, gluten, nuts) without the focus on changing body size.

• Addressing nutrient deficiencies that may arise from eliminating certain foods (e.g., calcium if dairy is eliminated) through supplementation or alternative foods.

• Fostering a non-restrictive mindset, ensuring that food choices are driven by health, not fear of weight gain or food guilt.

We understand that managing food allergies and intolerances can be overwhelming! We help our clients to understand their allergies and intolerances, how to determine which foods they should or should not have, and how to create a balanced, varied diet despite the items that need to be removed. We are here to support you in figuring out how to be your healthiest self while living with food allergies and intolerances.